From MCC to CAC

Dear Monthly Calling Campaign caller—

As you may have heard, the MCC is now history. Beginning in January 2023, it is being replaced by CCL’s Monthly Climate Actions (MCA), which will build on lessons learned from the MCC’s four years in which over 5,500 people made nearly 63,000 calls reminding Congress of the devoted, persistent citizens who are paying attention and advocating for climate action.

The MCA will differ from the MCC in several ways:

  • The MCA will not have a separate enrollment, but will address its action alerts to all active U.S. CCL supporters. MCC callers who are not active CCL supporters will be invited to “join” CCL in order to receive action alerts (quotation marks around “join” because there are no dues).
  • The MCA will be integrated more closely with CCL’s Action Tracker, and will employ familiar CCL action tools for contacting Congress. For phone calls it will use CCL’s Call Congress tool, with which the MCC was often confused.
  • The alerts it will send approximately once per month will offer recipients a menu of actions including not only phone calls but also emails, texts, social media postings, letters to newspapers, etc.
  • Action alerts will not be sent on a schedule but will be timed for maximum effectiveness as bills advance through the legislative process.
  • Scripts, messages, and actions will be created by CCL in consultation with CCL’s Government Affairs team.

Whether the Austin chapter’s Caller of the Month program will continue next year remains to be seen. The bulk downloads of MCC caller data on which it depends will not be available from the MCA initially. I’ve put in a request for it, but no timetable for making it available has been announced.

Yours for a price on carbon!


Hamilton Richards
Coordinator, Monthly Calling Campaign Admins
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
mobile: 512-293-9417